Email ===== .. note:: It's required to install ``email`` from :ref:`Optional dependencies` section. Outlook OAuth2 -------------- .. note:: | In case you'll be using Outlook OAuth2.0 authorization, you need to create & configure new application with the Microsoft identity platform. By the following steps: | 1. `Register an application `_ | 2. (Optional) In case of using Public(Delegated) Authorization option, you have to enable **Allow public client flows** in **Authentication** section | 3. `Add credentials `_, we currently support only Client's Secret | 4. `Add corresponding permissions for Mail `_, in section **API Permissions**. | `Application permissions `_ - App runs as a background service or daemon without a signed-in user. | `Delegated permissions `_ - App needs to access the API as the signed-in user. .. list-table:: Required Permissions based on Authorization option :widths: 40 25 35 :header-rows: 1 * - Permission - Application - (Optional) Delegated * - ``Mail.ReadWrite`` - ✅ - ✅ * - ``Mail.Send`` - ✅ - ✅ * - ``Mail.ReadWrite.Shared`` - ❌ - (for shared mailbox) ✅ * - ``Mail.Send.Shared`` - ❌ - (for shared mailbox) ✅ .. figure:: ../../images/outlook_permissions.png Correct configuration in Azure portal. .. warning:: **Important**, as Application permissions allow a user to access any mailbox, Administrators can configure `application access policy `_ to limit app access to specific mailboxes and not to all the mailboxes in the organization. If you need access to a *shared mailbox* (e.g., the application access policy needs to be applied to a security-group into which the *shared mailbox* and user belong to. More info can be found `here `_. Client ------ .. automodule:: :members: EmailClient, IMAPMessage Extractor --------- .. automodule:: :members: EmailExtractor, BaseCallbackStrategy, InvalidEmailNotificationCallback, BaseCondition, OrCondition, HasAttachmentsCondition, FileExtensionCondition, FilenameCondition, ReplaceFilenameCondition, EmailDatetimeCondition, EmailSubjectCondition, NoEmailToExtract