Getting Started

Initial configuration

Welcome to Aiviro! Follow these steps to set up your Aiviro environment:

  1. Obtain Your License Key: We will send you your license key. If you have not received it, please contact us at

  2. Install the Aiviro Package: Install the Aiviro package using pip. Refer to the Installation section for detailed instructions.

  3. Set Up Your Client ID and API Key: Use the aiviro-cli tool to configure your client ID and API key.

    # Set up client ID and API key
    (venv) aiviro-cli config login --client-id <your-client-id> --api-key <your-api-key>
  4. Verify Your Configuration: You can check your overall configuration using the aiviro-cli tool. For more detailed configuration options, refer to the Global Configuration section.

    (venv) aiviro-cli config print

You’re ready to go!

Installing Aiviro


Aiviro requires Python 64-bit version, we recommend to you to use Python 3.10 or 3.11 version. Currently supported Python versions are 3.9, 3.10, 3.11.

Supported Operating Systems and CPU Architectures








To install the Aiviro package via pip, follow these steps:

# create virtual environment
python -m venv venv

# activate virtual environment
# linux
source venv/bin/activate
# windows

# install aiviro
(venv) pip install -i aiviro

Optional dependencies

To work with different robots and additional features, you may need to install extra dependencies.

  • Web Robot - for using Web Robot you have to install chrome-driver.

  • RDP Robot - for using RDP Robot (Remote Desktop Protocol) you have to install our PyFreeRDP python package.

# install aiviro & pyfreerdp at once
pip install -i aiviro[rdp]

Aiviro also includes optional modules, which can be installed using the “extras” syntax:

pip install -i "aiviro[extra_1,extra_2]"

Example of extra packages include:

  • all_extras: Includes all optional dependencies

  • rdp: Tools for using RDP Robot (see RDPRobot)

  • pdf: Tools for working with PDF files (see PDFRobot)

  • dxf: Tools for working with DXF files

  • email: Tools for working with IMAP, SMTP protocols, or Outlook (see Email)

  • prefect: Tools for working with Prefect flows (see Flow Example)

  • codes: Tools to extract QR & Bar codes (see QR, Bar Codes)

  • reader: Tools for using Aiviro CLI reader scripts & Invoice Reader (see Reader Scripts, Reader)

  • excel: Tools to read Excel files (see Excel)

  • deploy: Tools for deploying Aiviro modules as web applications (see Deployment as Web App)


To update Aiviro and any additional dependencies, use the following command with the -U option:

# update aiviro
pip install -i -U aiviro

# update aiviro & pyfreerdp at once
pip install -i -U aiviro[rdp]

For updating chrome-driver, download the latest version and reinstall it.

For updating Aiviro in server deployment, refer to the Update Agent section.