It’s required to install email
from Optional dependencies section.
Outlook OAuth2
Permission |
Application |
(Optional) Delegated |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
❌ |
(for shared mailbox) ✅ |
❌ |
(for shared mailbox) ✅ |

Correct configuration in Azure portal.
Important, as Application permissions allow a user to access any mailbox, Administrators can configure application access policy to limit app access to specific mailboxes and not to all the mailboxes in the organization.
If you need access to a shared mailbox (e.g., the application access policy needs to be applied to a security-group into which the shared mailbox and user belong to. More info can be found here.
- class
Email client which uses IMAP and SMTP protocols to communicate with server.
- Example:
>>> from import EmailClient >>> from datetime import datetime >>> client = EmailClient() >>> # To receive emails you need to add imap server. >>> client.setup_imap_basic_auth("<IMAP_SERVER>", "<EMAIL_ADDRESS>", "<EMAIL_PASSWORD>")
>>> # Go through all messages >>> for email in client.inbox.all(): ... print(email.sender.full, email.subject, email.datetime) ... email.set_seen(True)
>>> # Go through unseen messages >>> for email in client.inbox.query(seen=False): ... print(email.sender.full, email.subject, email.datetime) ... print("Has attachments:", len(email.file_attachments) != 0) ... ... # Download all attachments to this mail ... for attachment in email.file_attachments: ... with open(attachment.filename, "wb") as f: ... f.write(attachment.content)
>>> # To send messages you need to connect to SMTP. >>> client.setup_smtp_basic_auth("<SMTP_SERVER>")
>>> # Basic sending of message >>> client.send_mail( ... "", ... "Hello from Python", ... "This message was sent by Aiviro", ... )
- setup_imap_basic_auth(server: str, username: str, password: str, port: int | None = None, starttls: bool = False, oauth2: bool = False, no_verify: bool = False, unencrypted: bool = False, plain_login: bool = False) EmailClient
Setups the IMAP connection with a basic username-password authorization for future use.
- Parameters:
server – server IP or hostname
port – port for IMAP service, if None, default port will be used - 993(TLS), 143(Unencrypted)
username – username to this server
password – password to this server
starttls – set True if connection should be use starttls
oauth2 – If True, ‘password’ argument is used as access_token for oauth2 authentication
no_verify – If True, SSL certificate will not be verified
unencrypted – If True, connection will be unencrypted, with no SSL/TLS
plain_login – If True, username & password are encoded by utf-8 and PLAIN authentication is used
- setup_smtp_basic_auth(server: str, username: str, password: str, port: int | None = None, starttls: bool = True, sender_name: str | None = None, email_address: str | None = None, oauth2: bool = False, no_verify: bool = False, unencrypted: bool = False) EmailClient
Setups the SMTP connection with a basic username-password authorization for future use.
- Parameters:
server – server IP or hostname
username – username to this server
password – password to this server
port – port for SMTP service, if None, default port will be used - 587(TLS), 465(SSL), 25(Unencrypted)
starttls – set True if connection should be use starttls
sender_name – set name of the sender. Is shown on sent emails
email_address – Send emails as this email address. Set this if you need to send emails from a shared or alias email address you have access to via username.
oauth2 – If True, ‘password’ argument is used as access_token for oauth2 authentication
no_verify – If True, SSL certificate will not be verified
unencrypted – If True, connection will be unencrypted, with no SSL/TLS
- setup_imap_outlook_oauth2_public(username: str, client_id: str, authority_url: str, shared_username: str | None = None) EmailClient
Setups the Graph-API connection (functionality as IMAP protocol) with an OAuth2.0 authorization.
This authorization type requires manual action, during the set-up process, to allow the app to access user’s data. By default,
scope/permission is necessary.- Parameters:
username – Username to outlook server
client_id – Application (client) id of the registered App in Azure Portal
authority_url – OAuth 2.0 authorization endpoint, it contains Directory (tenant) ID
shared_username – Specify this argument if you want to access a shared mailbox of different user
- setup_imap_outlook_oauth2_confidential(username: str, client_id: str, authority_url: str, secret: str) EmailClient
Setups the Graph-API connection (functionality as IMAP protocol) with an OAuth2.0 authorization.
This authorization type doesn’t require manual action, during the set-up process, but the permissions require an Admin consent in Azure Portal. By default,
scope/permission is necessary.- Parameters:
username – Username to outlook server
client_id – Application (client) id of the registered App in Azure Portal
authority_url – OAuth 2.0 authorization endpoint, it contains Directory (tenant) ID
secret – A secret string that the application uses to prove its identity when requesting a token. Also, can be referred to as application password
- setup_smtp_outlook_oauth2_public(username: str, client_id: str, authority_url: str, sender_name: str | None = None, email_address: str | None = None) EmailClient
Setups the Graph-API connection (functionality as SMTP protocol) with an OAuth2.0 authorization.
This authorization type requires manual action, during the set-up process, to allow the app to access user’s data. By default,
scope/permission is necessary.- Parameters:
username – Username to outlook server
client_id – Application (client) id of the registered App in Azure Portal
authority_url – OAuth 2.0 authorization endpoint, it contains Directory (tenant) ID
sender_name – set name of the sender. Is shown on sent emails
email_address – Send emails as this email address. Set this if you need to send emails from a shared or alias email address you have access to via username.
- setup_smtp_outlook_oauth2_confidential(username: str, client_id: str, authority_url: str, secret: str, sender_name: str | None = None, email_address: str | None = None) EmailClient
Setups the Graph-API connection (functionality as SMTP protocol) with an OAuth2.0 authorization.
This authorization type doesn’t require manual action, during the set-up process, but the permissions require an Admin consent in Azure Portal. By default,
scope/permission is necessary.- Parameters:
username – Username to outlook server
client_id – Application (client) id of the registered App in Azure Portal
authority_url – OAuth 2.0 authorization endpoint, it contains Directory (tenant) ID
secret – A secret string that the application uses to prove its identity when requesting a token. Also, can be referred to as application password
sender_name – set name of the sender. Is shown on sent emails
email_address – Send emails as this email address. Set this if you need to send emails from a shared or alias email address you have access to via username.
- setup_imap_exchangelib(server: str, username: str, password: str, email_address: str, service_endpoint: bool = False, oauth2: BaseOAuth2Credentials | None = None, no_verify: bool = False) EmailClient
Setups the IMAP connection with Exchangelib library.
- Parameters:
server – Server address
username – Username to server
password – Password to server
email_address – Email address of the user
service_endpoint – If True, server is a service endpoint, otherwise it’s a hostname
oauth2 – OAuth2 exchangelib credentials
no_verify – If True, disables SSL verification
- setup_smtp_exchangelib(server: str, username: str, password: str, email_address: str, service_endpoint: bool = False, sender_name: str | None = None, oauth2: BaseOAuth2Credentials | None = None, no_verify: bool = False) EmailClient
Setups the SMTP connection with Exchangelib library.
- Parameters:
server – Server address
username – Username to server
password – Password to server
email_address – Email address of the user
service_endpoint – If True, server is a service endpoint, otherwise it’s a hostname
sender_name – set name of the sender. Is shown on sent emails
oauth2 – OAuth2 exchangelib credentials
no_verify – If True, disables SSL verification
- property root: IMAPPath
Root folder on server
- property inbox: IMAPPath
Inbox folder on server
- list_folders_raw() List[IMAPFolder]
Lists folders on the IMAP mailbox
- Returns:
List of folders and paths
- set_current_folder(path: EMAIL_PATH_TYPE) None
Sets current folder
- Parameters:
path – Sets this path as current folder path
- folder_exists(path: EMAIL_PATH_TYPE) bool
Checks if this folder exists on server
- Parameters:
path – Folder path to check
- Returns:
True if folder exists, False otherwise.
- create_folder(path: EMAIL_PATH_TYPE) None
Create folder on server
- Parameters:
path – Folder path to create
- delete_folder(path: EMAIL_PATH_TYPE) None
Delete folder on server
- Parameters:
path – Folder path to delete
- all(folder: EMAIL_PATH_TYPE | None = None, limit: int | None = None) Iterator[IMAPMessage]
Returns all emails
- Parameters:
folder – Folder from which to extract message. If not set, currently set folder is used
limit – Limits the number of emails which to get. Default None = No Limit
- Returns:
Emails in supplied folder
- Example:
>>> from import EmailClient >>> from datetime import datetime >>> client = EmailClient() >>> # To receive emails you need to add imap server. >>> client.setup_imap_basic_auth("<IMAP_SERVER>", "<EMAIL_ADDRESS>", "<EMAIL_PASSWORD>")
>>> # Go through all messages >>> for email in client.all(): ... print(email.sender.full, email.subject, email.datetime) ... email.set_seen(True)
- query(seen: bool | None = None, subject: str | None = None, sender: str | None = None, recipient: str | None = None, text: str | None = None, cc: str | None = None, bcc: str | None = None, date: | None = None, date_from: | None = None, date_to: | None = None, folder: EMAIL_PATH_TYPE | None = None, limit: int | None = None) IMAPQuery
Returns all emails following set constraints
- Parameters:
seen – True = seen emails, False = unseen emails, None = all emails. Default None
subject – Emails containing this subject. Default None
sender – Emails from this sender. Default None
recipient – Emails to this recipient. Default None
text – Emails containing this text. Default None
cc – CC field containing this recipient. Default None
bcc – BCC field containing this recipient. Default None
date – Email received on this date. Default None
date_from – Emails received after this date. Default None
date_to – Emails received before this date. Default None
folder – Folder which to search. Default is Inbox
limit – Limits the number of emails which to get. Default None = No Limit
- Returns:
Emails in supplied folder
- Example:
>>> from import EmailClient >>> from datetime import datetime >>> client = EmailClient() >>> # To receive emails you need to add imap server. >>> client.setup_imap_basic_auth("<IMAP_SERVER>", "<EMAIL_ADDRESS>", "<EMAIL_PASSWORD>")
>>> # Go through all unseen messages >>> for email in client.query(seen=False): ... print(email.sender.full, email.subject, email.datetime) ... email.set_seen(True)
- execute_query(query: IMAPQuery) Iterator[IMAPMessage]
Executes the query.
- Parameters:
query – Query to execute
- copy_mail(ref: EMAIL_ID_TYPE, path: EMAIL_PATH_TYPE, working_folder: EMAIL_PATH_TYPE | None = None) None
Copies email to a new folder.
- Parameters:
ref – UUID of the email
path – Path to new location of the email
working_folder – Folder which contains email with specified UUID
- move_mail(ref: EMAIL_ID_TYPE, path: EMAIL_PATH_TYPE, working_folder: EMAIL_PATH_TYPE | None = None) None
Moves email to a new folder.
- Parameters:
ref – UUID of the email
path – Path to new location of the email
working_folder – Folder which contains email with specified UUID
- mail_set_seen(ref: EMAIL_ID_TYPE, seen: bool, working_folder: EMAIL_PATH_TYPE | None = None) None
Sets the email as seen or unseen.
- Parameters:
ref – UUID of the email
seen – Set seen flag to either True or False
working_folder – Folder which contains email with specified UUID
- mail_delete(ref: EMAIL_ID_TYPE, working_folder: EMAIL_PATH_TYPE | None = None) None
Delete the mail from server.
- Parameters:
ref – UUID of the email
working_folder – Folder which contains email with specified UUID
- send_mail(recipients: ADDR_TYPE, subject: str, message: str, attachments: Sequence[str | Path | BaseAttachment] | None = None, cc: ADDR_TYPE | None = None, bcc: ADDR_TYPE | None = None, reply_msg: IMAPMessage | None = None, sender_email: str | None = None, message_as_html: bool = False) None
Sends email via SMTP server
- Parameters:
recipients – One or more recipients in format email or (fullname, email)
subject – Subject of the message
message – Content of the message
attachments – List of paths to attach to the email.
cc – Carbon copy recipients, same format as recipients.
bcc – Blind carbon copy recipients, same format as recipients.
reply_msg – If this message is a reply to email use this attribute to include the reference.
sender_email – Send emails as this email address. Set this if you need to send emails from a shared or alias email address.
message_as_html – If True, content of the ‘messsage’ argument is sent as html
- Example:
>>> from import EmailClient >>> from datetime import datetime >>> client = EmailClient() >>> # To send messages you need to connect to SMTP. >>> client.setup_smtp_basic_auth("<SMTP_SERVER>", "<EMAIL_ADDRESS>", "<EMAIL_PASSWORD>")
>>> # Basic sending of message >>> client.send_mail( ... "", ... "Hello from Python", ... "This message was sent by Aiviro", ... )
- class Optional[str], subject: str, recipients: List[], sender:, cc: List[], bcc: List[], datetime: datetime.datetime, html: str, body: str, file_attachments: List[~_A] = <factory>, _connector: Optional[ForwardRef('EmailClient')] = None)
- as_file_attachment(attachment_name: str) IMAPAttachment
- Converts message into attachment object, therefore e-mail can be saved or sent as an attachment to another
- Parameters:
attachment_name – Name of the attachment
- Example:
>>> from import EmailClient >>> client = EmailClient() >>> # set-up IMAP & SMTP >>> attachment_to_send = None >>> for msg in client.all(limit=1): ... # get first email from INBOX & convert it into an attachment object ... attachment_to_send = msg.as_file_attachment( ... attachment_name=msg.subject.replace(" ", "_") ... ) ... >>> # send email with an email-attachment >>> client.send_mail( ... "", ... "Subject", ... "See email in the attachment", ... [attachment_to_send] ... )
- move(path: EMAIL_PATH_TYPE) None
Moves email to a new folder
- Parameters:
path – Path to new location of the email.
- copy(path: EMAIL_PATH_TYPE) None
Copies email to a new folder
- Parameters:
path – Path to new location of the email.
- set_seen(seen_value: bool) None
Sets the email as seen or unseen
- Parameters:
seen_value – Set seen flag to either True or False
- reply(message: str, subject: str | None = None, to_all: bool = True, attachments: List[str | Path | BaseAttachment] | None = None, cc: ADDR_TYPE | None = None, bcc: ADDR_TYPE | None = None) None
Sends new email as a reply
- Parameters:
message – Content of the message
subject – Subject of the message
to_all – Send email to all recipients
attachments – List of paths to attach to the email.
cc – Carbon copy recipients, same format as recipients.
bcc – Blind carbon copy recipients, same format as recipients.
- class EmailClient, source_dir: EMAIL_DIR_TYPE, processed_dir: EMAIL_DIR_TYPE, unprocessed_dir: EMAIL_DIR_TYPE | None = None, attachment_conditions: List[BaseCondition] | None = None, max_valid_emails: int = 0)
Email extractor provides a standardized way to extract emails and their attachments, based on the provided configuration.
- Parameters:
client –
object with configured IMAP server credentialssource_dir – Email directory from which emails are extracted
processed_dir – Email directory into which valid or processed emails can be moved, see
unprocessed_dir – Email directory into which invalid emails are automatically moved, if set to None, emails are not automatically moved, see
attachment_conditions – Conditions for separating valid/invalid emails, based on their attachments
max_valid_emails – Maximum number of valid emails to extract, if set to 0, all valid emails are extracted
- Example:
>>> from import EmailClient >>> from import ( ... EmailExtractor, ... HasAttachmentsCondition, ... FileExtensionCondition ... ) >>> client = EmailClient() >>> client.setup_imap_basic_auth("<SMTP_SERVER>", "<EMAIL_ADDRESS>", "<EMAIL_PASSWORD>") >>> e_extractor = EmailExtractor( ... client, ... "INBOX", ... "INBOX/Processed", ... "INBOX/Manual", ... [HasAttachmentsCondition(), FileExtensionCondition("pdf")], ... 15 ... ) >>> for email, attachments in e_extractor.extract_all(): ... # process email & attachments
>>> # extract exactly one valid email >>> email, attachments = e_extractor.extract_one()
- move_to_processed(email: IMAPMessage) None
Moves email into processed email directory, see
argument inEmailExtractor
.- Parameters:
email – Email to move
- move_to_unprocessed(email: IMAPMessage) None
Moves email into unprocessed email directory, see
argument inEmailExtractor
.- Parameters:
email – Email to move
- property email_query: IMAPQuery | None
The custom query for extracting emails, set it if you want emails from a specific recipient, with certain subjects, or others. See
for possible options.Warning
By setting this option, you override
argument fromEmailExtractor
- Example:
>>> from import EmailClient >>> from import EmailExtractor >>> client = EmailClient() >>> client.setup_imap_basic_auth("<SMTP_SERVER>", "<EMAIL_ADDRESS>", "<EMAIL_PASSWORD>") >>> e_extractor = EmailExtractor( ... client, ... "INBOX", ... "INBOX/Processed", ... "INBOX/Manual", ... ) >>> e_extractor.email_query = client.query(seen=False) >>> for email, attachments in e_extractor.extract_all(): ... # process email & attachments
- extract_all(auto_move: bool = True) Generator[EXTRACT_TYPE, None, None]
Extracts all valid emails, based on provided configuration.
- Parameters:
auto_move – if True, it automatically moves invalid emails into unprocessed folder
- extract_one(auto_move: bool = True) EXTRACT_TYPE
Extracts one valid email, based on provided configuration.
- Parameters:
auto_move – if True, it automatically moves invalid emails into unprocessed folder
- Raises:
NoEmailToExtract – If no valid email can be extracted
- class
Base class to inherit from for creating custom callback-strategy. Callback strategies can be added to attachment-conditions, they are called in case the condition is not satisfied. The callback logic is implemented in the
method.- Example:
>>> from import ( ... EmailExtractor, ... HasAttachmentsCondition, ... InvalidEmailNotificationCallback ... ) >>> e_extractor = EmailExtractor( ... "<client-object>", ... "INBOX", ... "INBOX/Processed", ... "INBOX/Manual", ... [ ... FileExtensionCondition( ... "pdf", ... InvalidEmailNotificationCallback("<email-notifier>", "do not contain PDF attachment") ... ) ... ], ... )
- class EmailNotifier, message: str)
Strategy creates
report-message, containing information about invalid email and custom message.- Parameters:
email_notifier – Standardized email-notifier, see
message – Custom text added at the end of the report-message
- class BaseCallbackStrategy | None)
Base class provides an interface to create a custom attachment validator. The validation logic must be implemented in the
method.- Parameters:
callback – Callback that is called, in case the attachments are not valid, see
- class*conditions: BaseCondition, callback: BaseCallbackStrategy | None = None)
Validates if at least one input condition is satisfied.
- Parameters:
conditions – Conditions to check
- class bool = False, callback: BaseCallbackStrategy | None = None)
Validates if there’s at least one attachment, or none, based on the
argument.- Parameters:
do_not_contain – Reverse the logic of the condition
- class str, callback: BaseCallbackStrategy | None = None)
Validates if at least one attachment has specified file-extension.
- Parameters:
file_extension – Extension to check
- class str, callback: BaseCallbackStrategy | None = None)
Validates if at least one attachment’s filename satisfies provided regex.
- Parameters:
regex – Regex used for filename validation
- class List[str], to_char: List[str])
Renames attachments filename.
- Parameters:
from_char – List of characters to replace
to_char – List of characters to use for the replacement
- class str, callback: BaseCallbackStrategy | None = None)
Validates if email’s subject satisfies provided regex.
- Parameters:
regex – Regex used for validation
- class timedelta, timezone: str | None = None, callback: BaseCallbackStrategy | None = None)
Validates if email is younger than specified datetime.
- Parameters:
delta_time – The amount of time for which email is still valid
timezone – Pytz timezone for calculating current time, if not set timezone from aiviro-configuration is used
- exception